Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

The World Meditation Day Observed

Morning Mirror Desk »

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The World Meditation Day was observed in the country as elsewhere of the globe today (Sunday) with the pledge to all strata of people to do meditation for building a healthy humanitarian nation.

The day’s programme began at 6 am at the National Press Club where hundreds of people of different professional joined. Media personalities, physicians, teachers-students, lawyers and businessmen were among them.

During the programme, pranayama (breathing practice), auto suggestion were practiced along with a meditation and a recorded speech of Quantum Foundation’s Director General Madam Nahar Al Bukhari.

Among others, Press Club’s joint general secretary Ashraf Ali, member of Executive Committee Kazi Rownak Hossain, Chief News Editor of Manchranga Television Rashed Ahmed and NTV News Editor Simanto Khokon shared their experiences on mediation in changing life perspective and get cured from various health complications.

The day was also observed simultaneously in more than 150 parks and open spaces in home and abroad including the city’s central Ramna Park.

The Speakers at the Press Club made a clarion call to all for practicing meditation and said it is now a matter of time that people of irrespective of all groups do mediation with inspiration as its role has already been proven in various scientific researches.

They also commented that meditation has been a part of the country’s culture and said the nation is rich heritages and wealth which can be enjoyable by building honest and patriotic nation through changing perception.

During an audio speech played on the occasion in all parks, Shaheed Al Bukhari, founder of the Quantum Method, recalled late National Professor Dr Nurul Islam’s belief 30 years ago that meditation is alternative to modern treatment and said people’s recovery from diseases will be accelerated after inclusion of quantum method in the modern treatment.

He said mediation is not supernatural thing, it is an exercise of brain and added that mediation messages are needed to spread all corners to inspire all including young generation to build a paradise nation with good human being.
Quantum Foundation has been observing the World Meditation Day since 2021.

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